Musician Tools

Build your music website with great musician tools and spread your music worldwide. The SITE123 musician tools offer many features. Try it out!

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Upload And Download Music Files

What do you think about being able to share your music files with your fans and friends? How about managing your music, creating a playlist for quick access, and being able to upload your files to your site? All of this is possible on SITE123 through file sharing, which makes it easy for your fans to access your site and download music files.

Add Events And Tour Dates

Now that your shows are already scheduled and your tour planned, it's time to announce the dates and locations of the performances! It is necessary to publish your tour dates and let your fans know when & where you are going to play. With SITE123's events tool, you can also sell tickets to your concerts and gigs. Start your music website today easily.

Add Press Reviews

You may already have gotten considerable local media coverage from relatively important newspapers, magazines and websites. You can use the reviews that were published about your work to reinforce your image. Simply add some press reviews you already have with an article page and enrich the perception that people will get of your band by visiting your site.

Create A Music Blog

Communicating with your fans through these media streams is just as important as having a website. Once you have created a site for your band, you can insert, with just one click, a blog with "like" and “share” buttons, thus allowing the rapid and free propagation of your band's information on the different social networks.

Add Your Images

In a few minutes, you can provide your fans and site visitors with snippets of your latest show, a sample of the new album or the photos of the event where you launched your new album - in a very compelling way.

Bandsintown Integration

BANDSINTOWN offers the option for your visitors to share your events with friends on Facebook and Twitter and see who else will attend it. It is an easy and efficient way to buy tickets and it is useful for showing popular and recommended bands. The good thing here is that you can take advantage of all the features Bandsintown has to offer by simply integrating it to your website on SITE123.

Soundcloud Integration

Soundcloud allows you to host and share files with no size limits. For simplicity, speed and sound quality, the tool is ideal for bands and artists who are early in their career and want to distribute their music over the internet. The best part here is that you can easily integrate Soundcloud to your free music sites on SITE123 and make it easier for your fans and visitors to get to know your music or hear new songs by you.

Sell Your Music and Merchandise

Have you recently released an album, a concert DVD or promotional items? Show those offers on your website! Or offer them for direct purchase. Using a product catalog, which you can imagine as an online mini-store, all that can be easily published on the web through your site. Visitors and fans will be able to simply view the offer, see what they are most interested in, and complete the purchase. On your website, the additional items will always be available to fans who are looking for one of your products.

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SITE123 бол эргэлзээгүйгээр миний уулзаж байсан хамгийн хялбар бөгөөд хэрэглэгчдэд ээлтэй вэбсайт дизайнер юм. Тэдний тусламжийн чатын техникчид нь маш мэргэжлийн хүмүүс бөгөөд гайхалтай вэбсайт үүсгэх үйл явцыг гайхалтай хялбар болгодог. Тэдний туршлага, дэмжлэг үнэхээр гайхалтай. Би SITE123-ыг олж мэдсэнийхээ дараа бусад сонголтуудыг хайхаа больсон - энэ нь үнэхээр сайн юм. Зөн совингийн платформ болон дээд зэргийн дэмжлэгийн хослол нь SITE123-ыг өрсөлдөөнөөс онцгой болгодог.
Кристи Хөөрхөн us Flag
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Миний туршлагаас харахад SITE123 нь хэрэглэгчдэд ээлтэй. Надад бэрхшээлтэй тулгарсан ховор тохиолдлуудад тэдний онлайн дэмжлэг онцгой байсан. Тэд аливаа асуудлыг хурдан шийдэж, вэбсайт үүсгэх үйл явцыг жигд, тааламжтай болгосон.
Бобби Меннег us Flag
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Төрөл бүрийн вэб бүтээгчдийг туршиж үзсэний дараа SITE123 нь над шиг шинэхэн хүмүүст хамгийн шилдэг нь гэдгээрээ онцлог юм. Хэрэглэгчдэд ээлтэй үйл явц, онцгой онлайн дэмжлэг нь вэб сайтыг бүтээхэд хялбар болгодог. Би SITE123-д бүрэн 5 одтой үнэлгээ өгсөн - энэ нь эхлэгчдэд төгс төгөлдөр юм.
Пол Даунс gb Flag
Дахиж хүлээх хэрэггүй, өнөөдөр вэбсайтаа үүсгээрэй! Вэбсайт үүсгэх

Өнөөдөр 2148 гаруй SITE123 вэбсайтыг US -д үүсгэсэн!